Black widow spiders are one of the two most common spiders in the Midwest that do pose a serious threat to humans. They are readily identified from their red or orange hourglass marking on its body. Its bite may be fatal, especially to young children. Adults typically suffer from illness for a couple of days but can have muscle pain and swelling for up to a month!
Brown recluse spiders are also native to the Midwest. Their bites are sometimes undetected but can spread rapidly depending on the amount of venom injected. Most brown recluse bites may cause minor to intermediate swelling but can result in tissue removal and death in severe cases.
Wolf spiders carry a tough stance and appear like mini tarantulas but are completely harmless to humans. They are lone scavengers and do not spin webs. They feed on insects and are looking for food and water when they venture indoors.
A wide variety of species of spiders roam the Midwest all of which can be treated by Davis Pest Control. Be sure to ask about our Davis365 Service Guarantee to minimize the chance that you'll ever see an eight-legged friend in your home or place of employment.