
Ant Control

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Davis Pest Control Services

Ant Control Specialists

There are various types of species that call the Midwest home. They are one of the most common nuisance pests that thrive in desert and near-desert areas. Ants are nimble creatures that will exploit even the smallest of cracks or crevices and will even "bridge" their way into your home and business. They tunnel and build colonies housing several thousand and up to millions of ants. If ants invade your space, you'll want to call Davis Pest Control right away!

Ant Control

Throughout the Midwest, ants are difficult to control because they constantly migrate and construct new colonies. Davis Pest Control works to keep ants out in the first place by continuously inspecting and monitoring in and around your home for areas and structures ants are likely to exploit. Then we make recommendations as to how to best contain them should they find their way into or around your home. Contact Us to start a customized plan for eliminating ants and other unwanted pests. 

Common Causes

Where there is food, there are bound to be ants. Ants are frequent home invaders because they make for easy access to enticing food sources. Black ants are often attracted to sweet foods and pet food and forage their way indoors through cracks and crevices. Crazy ants, pavement ants, big-headed ants, rover ants and other common ants that we find throughout the Midwest are attracted to various types of food based upon the type of ant and the age of the colony.

Treatment Options

The first step when dealing with ants is to locate the attraction source and remove the food source. Immediately after, we can map their location by following ant trails. Once we locate the opening of their colony, we can determine the best way to eradicate them or encourage them to migrate and establish themselves elsewhere. 
  • Ant Baits: Ant Baits release an attractant that ants think is food. Foraging ants eagerly take the bait back to their colony where they share it with other ants. The slow-acting active agents in ant baits allow the bait to penetrate deep into the colony with hopes that the queen is reached and eliminated. For this reason, in the initial stages, you may witness an increase in activity as the ants believe they have scored big. 
  • Non-Repellents: As foraging ants move in and out of their colonies, they pick-up an undetected active ingredient placed near the entrance that spreads throughout the colony intended to reach and eliminate the queen. 
  • Chemical Treatments: Using a direct spray on foraging ants is the quickest way to minimize the visible activities of ants. Unfortunately, this type of treatment does not typically penetrate deep into the colony and eliminate the problem. Depending on your situation, however, this may be one of the treatment options we recommend. 
Remember that it is normal to notice more ants after bait treatments have been set. The increased activity means the treatments is working as intended. As more and more ants are being drawn in by the baits, the more they take back to the colony to share with the other ants, and ultimately, the queen. Our products are chemically engineered to allow ants to survive long enough to carry the bait back to the colony spreading the infection. As the colony begins to die off, a huge decrease in activity will occur, usually within two weeks. Additional treatments may be necessary depending on the type of ant species you're up against and the circumstances of the infestation and other variables. 

Preventative Controls

The best way to keep ants from invading your space is to keep as many foods as possible sealed in airtight containers and/or refrigerated. Sweeping and mopping floors decreases the amount of available food crumbs and spilled drinks from inviting foraging ants. Sealing up cracks and crevices also makes it tougher for ants to enter your residence or place of business. Regardless of precautions and preventative measures, however, ants are determined and prolific colonizers and may reestablish themselves around your home or office. 

Davis Pest Control is committed to delivering the best possible solutions to any ant invasions. We offer service plans customized to your particular needs to minimize and eliminate unwanted pests from entering your space. 
  • Manicure Your Lawn: Mow your lawn frequently and keeping trees trimmed and away from your roofline to minimize points-of-entry. Pay special attention to bushes and vegetation growing within one foot of your building structure. 
  • Seal Cracks & Crevices: Repair or replace any weather stripping on doors and windows. Seal other openings into the home using caulk or another like agent.
  • Screen Vents: Install fine-mesh screening across attic vents or baffling and on vents that lead to other areas your home or business. 
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